However, it's human nature to want to stick with those people of similar thinking, class and background to ourselves, that is where we are all more comfortable and where we fit. I heard of a lady who has recently written a book on the comings and goings of the children's playground and how the mums waiting for their kids in the playground, tend to befriend other mums who are of similar class & background as them. It's basic psychology of human behaviour to draw towards those people we are comfortable with.
However, from a Christian aspect the bible tells us to embrace ALL people whether, poor, wealthy, uneducated, quirky etc. It's a challenge because it smashes away any preconceptions we may have about people we meet.
From a Christian stand point, God actually views everyone the same across their class, background or culture, no one is more or less. That's because God looks at people's hearts and that is what makes every human the same across any background. When we die, our class or background isn't going to matter but it will be our heart that God will see.

It's very easy to make judgements, but may be it's time to put new glasses on and view certain people how God sees them. For instance, we can make judgements about people's behaviour patterns or addictions but often it's because they are hurting in some way! God wants to help us build bridges of friendship to all people of every class and background anywhere and everywhere!
Lv Caroline x
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