Can our circumstances make us a better person.....or a bitter person? We can all become broken at times, but how do we get back onto the road of healing? Here are 8 things that can be helpful:
There's nothing wrong with crying - it is proven scientifically that there's nothing better than a good cry to help relieve our stress and emotions. By crying we are releasing our hurt rather than having to bury it deep within us. Often if we keep our emotions in it will take a lot longer to heal our hurts. Crying can be seen as weakness by some but it really does help get our hurts out so we can move forward.
Talk to people you can trust - when you go through difficulties get around family and friends that love you and that you trust. There's nothing like a good chat to help get our feelings out. Arrange to meet you're trusted friends for coffee or lunch and have a good chin-wag. It also helps us think through our situation and decide on the best way forward. Ensure you meet with people you can trust and ensure you pick your friends well; not ones that are likely to spread gossip.
Keep a grip on hope - when we face hardships we often feel a sense of hopelessness; that things are never going to improve. It's vital to keep hold of some kind of hope that things will improve with time and that things will eventually get better. Don't forget this - H.O.P.E (Hold On Pain Ends).
Don't let fear rule - our fears can often misconstrue the actually truth of a situation. Fear can sometimes take over and we cannot focus on anything else but the problem. For some, often fears can make a mountain out of a molehill, and it's not until we look back later that we realise the problem was a lot smaller than we thought. As we go through dark times, we have to try and let go of our fears and turn them into faith.
Focus on your blessings - through hardships it's good to remember your blessings, ie. your children, job, family etc. It's good to change your focus to the things you have got currently in your life, rather than that things you currently do not have. This helps us again focus on the positives.
Build your confidence - our confidence in ourselves and our self esteem can sometimes be knocked as we go through hardships. We can often blame ourselves for things that we really shouldn't. It's good to remember however, that you are a great person with lots a value. Ensure you keep in mind your value and your worth. You are amazing - don't let anyone tell you different!
You are not alone - it helps us to know that usually there are other people going through the same things as you; you are not an alien but are normal! As we realise this we can get along side others and help them too.

As a christian myself I also take my burdens to God. It says in Matt 11 v 30 -
Jesus said: "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". Even if everything else is falling around me, I find my faith is somewhere I can go for peace. Peace of mind and soul, and a way to get myself back on the right track for life.
Whatever your circumstance today, be proud of how far you have already come and keep focusing on the hope and faith to move forward.
Love and blessings.
Caroline xx
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