I believe low self esteem and self loathing are the biggest killers of our perceived value. We often feel less valued because of our inner voice telling us we are useless, that no-one cares or that we are worthless. It's been proven that if we repeat saying something over and over again, we begin to believe it. Therefore if we keep reaffirming our negative thoughts, our situation will only go down into a negative spiral rather than an upward positive one. For every negative thought about yourself, it may help to combat it with one that is positive too. This makes me turn to another quote, "The most important battles of life are the ones you fight in the silent chambers of your soul", so true, sometimes we have a mental battle that we need to win.
The subject of life's value reminds me of the film 'This Wonderful Life'. The main character in the story realises that if he would have never been born then he wouldn't have been able to bless the people he had met in his life....even though he didn't believe it at the time, his life held terrific value!

From the tiniest baby to the oldest person around, every life holds much value. Keep going and never give up, fight for the positive over your life and gain renewed strength.
Lv Caroline x
Bible references:
Luke 12 6-9 “What’s the price of two or three sparrows? Some loose change, right? But God never overlooks a single one. And he pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail—even numbering the hairs on your head! You’re worth more than a million sparrows.
Isaiah 40 30-31 - Even young people become worn out and get tired. Even the best of them trip and fall. But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak.
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