A Moral Core
I believe most of us know right from wrong, this has been built within the fabric of our souls. I believe we all have a moral core, so no matter who we are we all have the capacity for good. We have an awareness of whether our actions are decent (I realize some of this is learnt behaviour from our parents and outside influences etc, but not all).
Greatness within us
Humans have the gift of greatness and love within them and this is why we see people doing really great, amazing, compassionate things in life! We are, most of the time, very amicable beings. As a Christian myself, it says in the bible we have been made in God's image and therefore we all have, in part, God's nature within us.
Are we 100% perfect?
Everyday people we usually meet are good people - this cannot be denied, however, although some would like to think it, none of us can truly say we are 100% all good, if we did it would undoubtedly be a lie; we all do small things wrong - it's part of our human nature too. So the question of us being a good person with good morals is not strictly true if we are brave enough to look deep within ourselves.
Why do we need God?

Many people find the bible hard to accept as it talks about our heart issues. People say, how dare someone suggest I'm not perfect! God doesn't highlight our faults (biblical word-'sin'), and the bible wasn't written to beat us down with a stick because God hates us, no it's because he loves us so much and wants us to have the best life possible. As we work on our heart issues we struggle with we can hopefully make a start at changing little by little for the better, which will eventually effect our whole life including others around us. Surely that is something to be praised not cursed!
Some of you may be saying right now - well I'm fine and I don't feel I need to change or become better. That's fine, we all have a choice and it should never be a forced choice; it's your heart and you decide how you want it to be.
I'm not saying it's easy to think we may have flaws, but by admitting so, at least we can make a start in helping ourselves.
Lv Caroline x
2 Cor 3 18 - Our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.
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