God in heaven, how great you are!

I pray God that all you want to happen on earth and in my own life will take place.
Today give us the food and essential things we need.
I pray God you will forget and clear everything that I do wrong. As I then forget and clear what others have done wrong to me. Help me not to hold it against them and to forgive even when it's difficult.
Help me not to want things that don't belong to me or are bad for me. Those things no good for me, give me the strength to turn away from them.
Keep me safe from harm at all times.
For everything belongs to you God. You are great and all powerful. Forever and ever.
Amen. x
More details:
When some people asked Jesus how to pray. Jesus went on and gave us the Lord's Prayer. It was never meant to become a set of words that are just repeated in a meaningless manner, but a template for us to follow.
The Lord's Prayer was a set of ideas that Jesus was giving to us in how to pray.
When we come to God in prayer the prayer showed us that it is good to include:
- A prayer that God's Kingdom and everything about God will come here to earth.
- A prayer that everything that God wants to happen will take place in our lives and on earth. (God's will)
- Ask for things we need
- Forgiveness
- Forgiveness of others
- Strength to overcome Temptation
- Protection
- It's good to end with thanks and praise
We therefore don't need to repeat the Lord's Prayer word for word (where it becomes religious) but come to God with our own words including some of the above ideas.
Hope this has helped you understand prayer a little more.
Lv Caroline xx
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