What does this really mean? I believe it means that when we pray, although we should pray for the things we want in our lives (there's nothing wrong with this), we need to also think about what God wants to achieve through our lives! For those of us who are mature Christians, what God wants for us should be a crucial aspect of our lives.
I know when my husband and I first started trying for a baby, we thought everything would go to plan and I would get pregnant fairly quickly. Unfortunately, 2 years later and after some very early miscarriages, I still was not pregnant!! We then turned to the professional doctors for help and had various tests done; fortunately they found nothing wrong. After feeling defeated and disappointed on many occasions I suddenly came to a place of acceptance, where it was time to stop fighting the situation. At this time, I recall praying a very difficult prayer, probably one of the most difficult I ever had to pray. It went something like this:
God I don't understand the 'why' in this circumstance, but I now just leave it with you. I know my desire is to have children, but whatever Your plan is for my life I ACCEPT it. If my life is to be lived without children, I pray the extra time and energy I will have will be put to good use in serving You God. I accept Your will for my life, and all that You have planned for me. I bring it all to You and lay everything down. I know You love me and I trust You above everything else. Thank you. Amen
Whatever situation you are going through today, sometimes God is seeing if we will lay it down. Do we honestly believe our lives are in God's hands, do we really trust Him? Do we really believe He is in control?
Yes you've guessed it, a couple of months after praying this prayer an amazing miracle took place. Yes I was pregnant!!!! At 7 weeks, I recall not telling anyone about the amazingly news; to be honest I was terrified of losing the baby again so didn't want to spill the beans until it was all confirmed to avoid disappointments. At this time, a lady from our church said she wanted to see me and invited me over to her house. She said she had felt me on her heart this last few months with regard to child birth and gave me a verse out of the bible. It was this:
From Gal 4 - Rejoice, barren woman who bears no children, shout and cry out, woman who has no birth pangs. Because the children of the barren woman now surpass the children of the chosen woman.
I believe this was a confirmation from God that all was going to be well this time - that there was nothing to fear. I was so desparate to tell this lady I was already 7 weeks pregnant but I hadn't even told my own family. I had to leave her home, although overjoyed, with a composed disposition! At 10 weeks, after telling my own family, I did re-visit this lady; I was so excited to tell her about it and really wanted to thank her for her encouragement.
About 6-7 mths later, I gave birth to a very healthy 8lb 11oz baby Son. I'm only very petite myself so this was quite a big baby for me, but he was a real blessing in every way, and still is! We were overjoyed.
As Christians, sometimes we strive so hard for things and we pray and pray until we try and hear the answer WE want. There is nothing wrong with believing and praying in faith for these things, however we have to be careful that we are not putting our own desires at the forefront and leaving God out.

Jesus' life from beginning to end was all about fulfilling God's will. It was God's will that Jesus was to die for the sins of the world! Wow....what a weight to carry and what obedience.
Be encouraged to trust God today.
Lv Caroline x
Bible Readings:
Matt 26 v 39 - Before Jesus went to the cross he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
John 6 v 38 - For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.
Isa 55 v 8 - God says: For My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, and My ways higher than your ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your way and my thoughts than your thoughts.
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