What can we do with our grief? Do we stop looking at the news, do we hide ourselves away and rather not face the realities of suffering? Do we carry on with work and get busy to make sure we don't have time to think about it? When we see others suffering do we go out of our way to ask them if they're coping or do we walk away not knowing what to say?
One positive we can look at, is that through grief we realise how much love means to us. We start to get a real understanding about the people in our lives and the love we hold for them. Because of hurt and suffering, we can understand what love means in a far deeper way. We suddenly become much more aware that love and happiness in our lives is more important than we once understood, realising that at times we've taken it for granted. Oswald Chambers once wrote, "Sorrow burns up a great amount of shallowness". Suffering produces bigger character and strength, it stretches us and makes us more aware when others are struggling. Suffering also prepares us to minister to others who may be going through sorrow; we are able to reach out to friends who may be going through the same thing we have experienced and it gives us greater empathy towards other people's difficulties.
Ultimately, in the end some good can come out of our grief. When we run into problems and trials, in some ways we can know that they teach us endurance. Endurance develops strength, until finally in its good time, our hope and faith is restored again. In life it is inevitable we are going to go through some difficulties and problems, we know well it's not a perfect life! But life also come and goes in seasons, there may be a season of struggle or pain, followed by a season of happiness; this is what is meant by 'sorrow may last for a night but joy comes in the morning', so if you are going through a time of difficulty, keep holding on until you see hope again! If we are going through a long term sickness, this is not so easy....carry on holding onto those loved ones who care for you and make you smile again, giving you a reason to find hope again. If we sense others going through a season of difficulty it's important we ask how they are doing, such a simple question can make a real difference.
Christian faith thoughts:
I thought it good to mention that the Christian Easter story was all about love and suffering too. The bible story shows us that God loved the world so much that He wanted to restore His relationship with people. He did this by sending Jesus, who suffered at the cross.
God has walked in our shoes as a human; Jesus came as a man, he's seen suffering, he himself went through hardships, struggles and disappointments and even death! He had to deal with being misunderstood, being told he was a liar and was eventually killed, although a good man, because of what he stood for and claimed to be.

There's nothing that God doesn't understand about being human and I believe this is why God chose to come this way, not as a king robed in splendor and riches but a normal man (fully God, but fully human) who gave his life to serve others in their need. Firstly, so we can relate to God himself and know the life he lived was a difficult road, but secondly so we can learn from his life and his urgency to help those in need around him. One thing the Christian can know for sure is that God loves, and through suffering he understands and will help us through it when we ask. He will give us strength and hope for a new day. It is written in Isaiah 41:13 - “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.”
Christian's believe even death is not the end.....for it says in Romans 8, "What can separate us from the love of God? Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below; indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord".
Keep holding on, keep moving forward, keep the hope of a new day as 'sadness will last for a night but joy comes in the morning'. xx
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