I have heard it said many times that Christian belief is to be simple minded and naive. Talking to fairies in the sky and their imaginations what could be more simplistic and stupid than this notion, especially in the light of evolution and scientific knowledge today. This may be the perception of belief in God, but is it the truth of the matter? I challenge this thought, in that actually most Christians have faith but are not naive to evolution and scientific knowledge. They actually welcome scientific breakthrough and are interested in finding out information. However, this comes with checking out details and understanding the truth of something before jumping to any conclusions either way.
If you truthfully analyse the data on the universe, it is so finely tuned that it would be impossible for the earth to exist, yet we happen to be here! The only conclusions scientists can find is the theory of the multiverse (meaning we happen to live in the universe that happened to throw out a win!), or that there may be a higher alien life form that created us (even Richard Dawkins has said this).
I completely understand that many do not believe in 'God' at all and I respect that completely. I am only writing this blog to help those who do not believe understand why we do. So, is it so outlandish and wrong to believe in a creator of all things? Is it so wrong to believe there is something greater than ourselves, giving us purpose to our living? Is it naive to believe that we are here on earth to get on with the 'greater good'? The opposite belief is believing we are all here for nothing and we came from nothing - is this also an easy hypothesis to believe in? People say "oh I can't believe in God, how do we know which God to believe in"; I understand this dilemma but it doesn't take away the fact that God could exist, it is only people that have made it complicated.
It is historical fact that a man named Jesus once came to earth and claimed he was God's son. I look at the life of Jesus and he came here to earth to show us an example of what God was like. He came to help those in need and to heal the broken hearted, he came to show us how we should live. He came to show us freedom from religion and bureaucracy; to bring life and not slavery. Jesus came to seek and help those who were crushed. As we see how Jesus lived and God's heart for people, it spurs us on to take up His example of God likeness. To take on the example of the life He lived. If this person claimed to be God himself then surely we should be taking this seriously and look into this 'Jesus' with great interest. With Christmas coming ever closer, it's a great time to ponder on who this Jesus was? What is the truth of the matter? Is it time to take a closer look? Many churches are in existence today across the globe helping people find fresh faith and to understand who this Jesus really was.
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