When we pray we don't always get an answer straight away. If we're not careful, this can be a time when we question our faith, give up or walk away from God. However, if we are willing to hold on and see God follow through then we are in for some great rewards.

Sometimes we have to wait for answers, but it is what we do in the waiting period that really matters. Do we give up? I really hope not, because we need to keep holding on, keep pursuing prayer and trust God even when the answers don't seem to be coming. In fact, it is in these times when our faith and hope can grow much further and much deeper.
We live in a world of instant everything, therefore we want instant answers when it comes to our lives. We need to remember that things regarding our lives are not always instant and things can take time. God hears our prayers and we have to trust Him that behind the scenes He is working it all out for us.

I mentioned to a friend only recently that a prayer said in faith with a sincere heart, is always heard. I believe this to be true, when we pray about genuine concerns about our lives, God has heard and He will follow through if we are willing to keep holding on. It's a shame to know so many, who gave up before the answers came and therefore never met the fulfilment of that prayer!
Don't give up on God but wait for Him to follow through in your life - you will never be disappointed.
Bible Verses:
Keep constant in prayer and never give up - Luke 18 v1
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those called according to His purpose - 2 Cor v16
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances - 1 Thes 5 v16
This reminds me of a prayer card I was given a few years a go;
ReplyDeleteI know not by method rare
But this I know God answers prayer
I know not when He sends his word
That tells me fervent prayer is heard
I know it cometh soon or late
My part is but to pray and wait
I know not if the Blessing sought
Will come in just the guise I thought
I leave all care with Him above
Whose Will is always one of love.
Lovely Neil, so true as well. We have to remember too we don't always get what we want because God might have a better plan.