Friday, 26 September 2014

Moulded into something beautiful

Society is slightly obsessed with looking good.  Beauty is all over Hollywood, beauty is prized and highly esteemed and is something sought after!  It's the age of beauty creams promising you will look 10 years younger in a few weeks time, the age of facelifts, bodywraps, tummy tucks, botox - yes you can have it all! 

So when you look in the mirror, what do you see?   What do you see in yourself?  We often see our imperfections, the things we want to change about ourselves.  We are aiming for perfection but always fall short...........outward beauty has it's place, however if the mirror were to show the inside of us, would it be a beautiful image staring back?

The bible talks about the potter and the clay;  the clay is an analogy of us as people and the potter is God himself.  God's not after our accomplishments or our outward beauty, God is looking for our hearts.  God has formed the clay but are we willing for Him to mould our hearts into something more beautiful than we ever could be in ourselves.  It's a humbling thing to do, as it means letting go of all we think we are and letting God do his transforming work.  

All those lumps and bumps in our character can be made smooth, all those scars from hurts from the past and all those imperfections we dislike in ourselves can be made new.  Change can be hard because it means letting go of our status quo, but God can truly give us happiness when we let him into our lives and change us!  He can do amazing work on our hearts, not abruptly, but gently and with care.   

A lump of clay is not very pretty and not really useful, and even if you feel broken, let God form you again into something beautiful, something usable and something you never thought you could be! 

Bible Reading:  Jer 18 3-5  So I went down to the potter’s house and saw him working with clay at the wheel. He was making a pot from clay. With his hands he shaped the pot the way he wanted it to be (something beautiful).  Then this message from the Lord came to me you know that I can do the same thing with you.  You are like the clay in the potters hand, and I am the potter. 

Isaiah 64 v 8 - Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

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