Friday, 22 November 2024

Never be Thirsty Again

Life of Overflow

There is nothing better on a hot day than having a large drink of water!  Some of you, if you're anything like me, may enjoy a few too many cups of morning coffee.  For me, however a few hours afterwards, I will start longing for a glass of water. I'm feeling thirsty and I don't really want another hot drink, I want to feel refreshed. I don't want to become dehydrated so I carry water everywhere I go; to work, to the shops, on a walk (if a long walk), to church, as I never know when I might need a drink.  The benefits of drinking water span from; healthier skin, weight loss, a healthy heart, energy boost, less joint pain and aids digestion. The whole body is made up of roughly 60% water, so we know how vital it is for life.  We know that without it, life as we know would not exist. One glass of water usually quenches the thirst, but what would you do if others around you were thirsty too - would you be willing to share your vital water with others? 

But no one who drinks the water I give will ever be thirsty again. The water I give will become in that person a flowing fountain that gives eternal life.”. (taken from John 4, 14)

The kind of water God gives us causes us to be healthy spiritually. God can fill us with the fruits of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self control and patience.  When our lives feel barren and dry, God can refresh us again, he can give us new energy and heal our hearts.  Living for God is like living next to a waterfall, the earth around the areas near the water continually receive nutrients and makes the vegetation grow well. When we walk with God, we are growing in our faith and receiving many blessings from the inside out rather than the outside in. The bible says, with God we can even have more than enough to share.  Are we going to be willing to share this overflow with others? We know in the bible that Jesus tells a Samaritan women at a wellJohn, 4 10-26, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water".  So, we know God gives us living water for our souls, to refresh us, to heal us, to help us, we also know that our souls will never be thirsty!  All we need to do is ask Jesus for this living water that gains us eternal life.  Are you willing to receive it?

Whatever we have, God wants us to share it with the people around us.  What has God blessed you with, not in material things, but things of ourselves, like our love, our time, our encouragement, our gifts, our advice?  When we are willing to give a small part of what we have to others, God says he will start filling us to overflowing, he will multiply what we give of ourselves!  Overflowing means to be blessed; to have so many good things in our lives that it will overflow in every aspect of our life.  It also says in Prov 11, 25, Those who refresh others, will also be refreshed'. 

Your life will be so blessed, that you won't be worried about having to share your glass of water, you will have more than enough for yourself and for others around you - it will be an overflow of all that God has given you and you will fully comprehend what is meant to 'never be thirsty again'. 

Lv Caroline x

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