Let's face it - we all want to be great! We all like to be the best. Who remembers sports day at school. You always wanted to be in the team that won didn't you. I recall being in the Blue team but for some reason Reds seem to win every year which, as you can imagine, I wasn't too happy about. The Blue's didn't like to think all the children in the Red team were better! Did you ever win the individual race you were picked to run? I did all sorts of races; egg and spoon, bean bag on the head, 3-legged race to name a few, but I don't recall winning many of them, there was always someone on my heels better than I was. At school, I do recall winning a Netball Tournament, I played Centre which was the position where you did the most running (typical!), we were ecstatic that we had won all the other schools in the area! It was exhilarating to be the best!

We all want to be the best, we all want to be celebrated, we want to be centre of attention, we want to have high position and high power. However, it says in the bible something quite profound, Matt 20, 26-28 - If anyone who wants to be great among you, you must first become a servant. Just as the Son of Man didn't come into the world to be served but to serve, to give His life as a ransom for many. Wow, that's a powerful statement isn't it in today's world, that is always talking about finding our own power.
God says the only way to be great is to first help others. We are great by the way we treat others and make others feel when they greet us. We are great when we love our neighbours and friends as ourselves, we are great when we go out of our way for someone rather than serving ourselves. We are great when we give generously to those in need, we are great when we help the lonely, we are great when we seek peace and not hostility toward our fellow man. We are great when we help others reach their goals and not just our own.
Greatness flows from our hearts and it means sometimes stepping aside allowing others to be first whilst we take second place. God may ask us to do this along our life's journey, would we be willing? Rom 12, 9, "Good friends who love deeply, practice taking second fiddle". It means we will honour those people around us and sometimes, if required take a lowly position. The person we are helping may be very different to us - should that stop us? Just like Jesus who came from the spender of Heaven as the King of Kings, to take a lowly position as a man here on earth, to lead the way in love and compassion, then so must we.
We have all watched the scene in athletics, where whilst running a race someone has fallen over and their chances of now winning have been completely destroyed. To our amazement, from no-where, a rival runner picks the person up and staggers with them, giving up their chances of finishing in a better position! What a thing to do, to help another person finish, and finish well. US runner Abbey
D'Agostino encouraged New Zealand's Nikki Hamblin, in the Rio Olympics - 2016, as she lay dazed on the track
after the two entangled and fell. "Get
up," she told her. "We have to finish this. "Then Hamblin
herself hung back to encourage the American. D'Agostino
eventually hobbled over the line in last place. The two women
embraced before D'Agostino left in a wheelchair with a hurt ankle.
There's nothing wrong in being successful, there's nothing wrong in having our own goals and ambitions, absolutely it's healthy for us. But among our own ambitions and goals, who is going to help our fellow man when they are flagging, when they're about to give up? It's not always easy for us, but only through humility and love can we really acquire greatness. I will leave you to ponder on this wonderful verse from Philippians.
Phil 2, 3-8
Do nothing from selfish ambition, or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you, not just look to his own interests but also to the interests of others.
James 4, 10
Humble yourself in the Lord's presence and he will give you a high position.
Lv Caroline x