The Christmas story is one of the greatest stories ever written. It staggers me, how God used completely ordinary people to carry out such an important task, as well as the unprecedented struggles they faced. Don't get me wrong we know that Mary was highly favoured by God but on the other hand she lived and came from a very normal family living in Nazareth. First of all, we see Mary having to deal with the fact that she was pregnant and not even married, the shame it brought on a family at the time was immeasurable, women were often stoned for such a crime. Secondly, Mary had to travel 100 miles to Bethlehem on a donkey whilst very pregnant (about a week's worth of travel) - God couldn't there have been an easier way? On top of this, as we know, when they arrived in Bethlehem there was no room for them. Mary was out in the cold with nowhere to have her baby - can you even imagine it ladies! Then Jesus, King of Kings, was born in a cold, smelly stable, no Hilton Hotel in sight I'm afraid.
If this was God's doing, then why was it so hard? I think, we can be reminded that God often users very ordinary people to carry out His work, so you never know, may be there's hope for some of us! Don't underestimate what can be done through your life. It also reminds us that we are not the only ones finding life hard. Life is difficult and was difficult back then, it's not always easy, but it doesn't mean God is not with us. God is often close, when we don't even realise it. Did Mary and Joseph feel God's love and beauty during that painful journey to Bethlehem? Probably not, but their faith carried them through, they didn't fear as they remembered the words of the Angel. Sometimes our life journeys can be like that, they can be difficult and demanding - we ask 'where is God now hey, if He's so real it wouldn't be this hard'! You know what, God is with us in our very ordinary everyday lives....so don't miss it just because it's difficult. We sometimes have to go back to what God has promised us and trust in times of fear. Remind yourself of the Christmas story, was it easy for the characters in the story?....no. Was God still with them?....of course. Later on in the story, we read how God saved them from the perils of King Herod, by telling Mary and Joseph to go to Egypt - He was certainly directing their steps.
I always think when you look at Jesus' life, he was always there for ordinary people. He often associated with the sick, dying, hungry and weak - those the world would despise. He was the humble King in every way, giving up His Godly right to serve others. He didn't come to the world for position, power or prestige like any other King would. The stable reminds us of the humility, grace and love God has for people. What an example to follow......the love of Christ.
I trust you all have an amazing Christmas and New Year. God bless.
Caroline x