Science can answer many questions for us but it cannot answer the reason for 'why' we exist and is probably one the biggest questions we can ask ourselves.
What is the one thing that every person on the planet has in common; I believe it's this.......we were made for LOVE. We were made to be loved and to give love. This is something that connects all humans whatever age, background and spans all generations. It's a basic human need and is the most amazing thing about life; for most of us, our love for our families, children and friends cannot be equaled.
I believe one of our main purposes is to LOVE whilst here on earth! What an amazing and powerful thing to possess. Something we can give and receive.
I believe this urge to love, derives from a higher being, God himself. God is LOVE in all it's forms and it has been built within the soul of every single individual. Unfortunately, because the earth is not a perfect place, the love that we hold is often damaged or thrown out. This is when problems like hatred and other negatives can run wild. You would agree that without love we would be a barren race.
Made for Relationship
We have been created for friendship. To share our dreams and lives with others; to help each other, encourage and journey through life in union with others. This brings us joy, stability and delight. It has been proven that being alone for very long periods can drive somebody to madness. Obviously, we were born to be in relationship.

God loves us unconditionally and He created us to love and spend time with Him, that was the purpose of humans right from the beginning in Genesis. From the moment of man's creation, God's plan was always for us to have a close relationship with Him, to be able to walk and talk together in a union unlike any other we are able to experience here on earth. God has dominion over heaven and He gave us dominion over earth; an awesome kinship between people and God. Unfortunately, we know this close relationship was broken through Adam and Eve, however God wanted to fix it and did so by sending Jesus. Jesus' death (God's son) made it possible for our friendship with God to be restored.
But will we love God? He doesn't ever force us to love Him. Some may need to let go of past mistakes and hurts and let God love them back to health again. Nothing anyone can do can stop His love for us, it is always overflowing if we are willing to receive it. When we are willing to call out to God, He will most definitely answer.
Made for Worship
People have often mentioned, why would anyone want to worship God? This is nothing strange to a Christian believer, we don't worship because of the things we might get if we do, we simply worship because He's GOD and we honestly love Him, and He loves us. Again, it's all about having a relationship; we worship because we love.
God is not human in a physical sense, it says in the bible that He is spirit, therefore when we come to worship we need to open our hearts and worship him with our spirit and in truth, this means from the inside out, with all our heart; now these are the type of people God is longing for! (John 4, 23)
When we worship, we allow God's power to work in our lives. The story of Paul and Silas in Jail get's the point over. Acts 16:16- "About midnight Paul and Silas were praying. They were also singing hymns to God. The other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a powerful earthquake. It shook the prison from top to bottom. All at once the prison doors flew open. Everyone’s chains came loose". This is a picture of our own lives, when we worship, it releases God's power to work in our lives through the Holy Spirit; to break things that may hold us back, to melt away our hurts and heal our hearts.
Although Paul and Silas were in big trouble is prison it didn't stop them singing! Whether we are going through good or bad situations - there is power in praising God, as when we do heaven and earth converge. (I heard someone once say, it's when heaven and earth kiss). When this takes place something of heaven can meet with us in our humble humanity. It doesn't always just affect us but can touch those people around us. Our faith can spark something off in someone else.

Someone asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was, he answered very simply 'Love God and love people'. Every human has been made for a great purpose, but above anything else we are here to love and be loved! That is why it is written, "Faith, hope and love remain, but the greatest of these is LOVE." (2 Cor 13)
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