I love the programme Secret Millionaire; where a random businessman decides to help out an unlikely neighbourhood. They usually go in and find the same old story of poverty, lack of support and love which has led the families in the area to become heartbroken, helpless and sadly sometimes complacent with life! From this, children and especially teenagers sometimes grow up with a lack of inspiration, no positive role models and little encouragement to push them forward with their lives; it's a very sad situation which can lead to all sorts of other problems.
Growing up my Mum and Dad were such an encouragement and inspiration to me. This engaged me and shaped me into who I am today; I can't thank them enough and realize I have been very blessed. I understand that this is not the case for everyone and the world definitely needs more encouragers!

I'm not likening most of us to the scenario described on Secret Millionaire, this is obviously very extreme and most of us support & encourage our own families. However, we can all encourage others in small ways. What about that teenage girl down the road who has just lost her dad? What about the lady on the school run who's feeling low? What about that child you meet who needs a bit of praise? Are we the kind of people that encourage, inspire and support our children, friends and unlikely people in our town? Is our attitude and outlook on life that which would help to inspire and encourage others? I ask myself, how am I helping others in my world? Does my attitude towards people help or hinder?
I work for a local Church in Nottingham in the UK and I know the heartbeat of its vision is to help and encourage people; to be positive role models, especially our work in the local schools and in our youth group. May I encourage those leaders and say well done; keep going! We are also launching another event soon called 'Love Eastwood' where we are going into some of the most deprived areas of our town just to simply bless people. If you would like to help and serve others in this way, there are many churches and organisations running events in which you can get involved.
Turning to my faith, Jesus said, "I have come not to be served but to serve and give my life as a gift for many". He was certainly big on giving and encouraging unlikely people (even those who didn't deserve it)! If God was teaching us to be servant hearted then this must be a very significant part of life for us all!

Lv Caroline x
1 Thes 5v11: Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Matt 20v28: The Son of God, did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many".
(Love Eastwood project - more info coming soon).
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