Saturday, 1 March 2025

In it for the long haul

Recently, I was praying about quitting something, then to my amazement I look up from my passenger seat on the motorway to read the words on a lorry next to me....'In it for the long haul'.  I had to smile, as knew God was trying to tell me something.

We often say to ourselves, we want a new beginning, a new start at something where excitement and exhilaration can rule. Everything seems exiting to start with, however, what is God telling us to commit to in 2025? We are often drawn to doing new things, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying those, but there may be other pursuits where it is right that we keep moving forward in them for an extended period of time.  Some things we do are for seasons, other things are to be persisted in, so something can become established and deep rooted in our lives, and we need wisdom to know the difference. 

Some pursuits and commitments we carry out may take grit and determination to carry on with them, and we may need perseverance for the long road ahead.  The road ahead may have its ups and downs as well, it may not always be easy and we may want to give up but are we going to decide to persevere when the going gets tough?  It says in:

Romans 5 v 3, Because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character, hope.  

We all want to possess character, but are we willing to commit to the perseverance that having character may take?  It takes a stronger person to commit to things for a long time. God wants us to develop character, hope and fruit that will last.  Jesus reminds us to invest in our lives for the eternal, not just the temporary. The only way we bear lasting fruit is by staying close to Jesus for the long haul. The journey of faith will surely have its ups and downs, but definitely won't be tedious with God directing your steps into greater purpose and meaning. It's an exhilarating and exciting road, leading us to self reflection, greater values and lasting peace.  

John 15, 16 - You didn't chose me, I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit, fruit that will last. 

Lv Caroline x 


A friend loves at all times

Proverbs 17 v 17 - A friend loves at all times.

Our friends are amazing people who are able to stick by us, no matter what problems and issues we are facing, they always seem to have time for us. They are precious treasures that have been given to us. I'm not talking about fake and shallow friends, but the ones that remain with us over a long period of time, the ones that really love us for who we are, the ones that do not judge us, but celebrate and encourage us through all aspects of our lives. 

You may not have many really close friends, but when you find one, the love these type of friends give us can be related to God's own love for us.  This love is robust - whether we do good or bad.  They may even correct us along the way when we've gone wrong because they want the best for us, they laugh with you and cry with you, they forgive, they talk through the hard things and celebrate you. It says in the bible:

Proverbs 18, 24 - God is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. 

Some friendships may go beyond family connections. This is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. They are dependable and make time for us to listen.  Just like God, he wants us to talk to him like you would a close friend, we don't need to use fancy words or eloquence, we just need to be ourselves and come to God with honesty and humility.  God wants you to come to him this way.  God is not a far off God but someone who wants to be closer to you than a brother.  We are deeply and unconditionally loved by God.

To start a close friendship, we must first be willing to open ourselves up to the person.  There needs to be some vulnerability to connect fully to someone.  We cannot be closed off all the time to build a healthy relationship, and this is no different with God.  He wants us to be fully open with him about all aspects of our lives and in doing so, we are able to build a relationship up with God as an intimate friend. Just to ponder on what God did for us on the cross; that he was willing to lay his life down for us, fills us with wonder! 

Through prayer we can build a true friendship with God and become more like him. By becoming more like him, we have a greater capacity to love others. To love others may mean loving someone that has very different beliefs, political opinions or lifestyle than you.  This isn't easy is it, as it's easier to love someone you relate to and have things in common with. Someone may not have your faith either and reject what you have to say about it.  However, God wants us to love all people as he does, and when you do love like God, think of all the lives you may be able to enrich!  As the saying goes, 'We don't need to be fixed, we just need to be loved'. A lot of problems may begin to dissipate, if people just felt loved. It also says in the bible: 

Mark 12, 31 - Love your neighbour as yourself

It may cost you time and resources to love the people in your world, but it is God's command to us.  It may mean we need to forgive and drop the negative narrative we might have about the people around us.  It is both a command and a choice as to whether we will follow through on it.  We need to accept God's unconditional love and understand that your ability to love others is an extension and demonstration of your relationship with God.  The more you love and know God (and his attributes), the more you are able to love like him. Wow, what a thought!  What is your love saying about your relationship with God? 

John 15, 13 - Greater love has no one than this, that he lay his life down for his friends.

John 3, 16 - For God so loved YOU, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. 

Love Caroline x