It always amazes me how very unique and different we all are in personality, talents and aspirations. To me, this is what makes life so wonderful, inspiring and at times breathtaking. Our individuality is actually our gift to the world. We should never hide who we really are but enjoy the fact that we are made this way for a reason. Life is the exciting journey into finding out why we are here and what we can do with our lives.
Life is relatively short, some have longer lives than others, so we really need to value our lives and number our days. I am always asking myself the question, what am I doing with the time I have got, what am I doing with my talents, with my love and my resources, even my money? Am I pursuing my dreams and reaching for a healthy life purpose?
These are HUGE questions and it's not always clear what our goals should be. However, knowing what your gifts are is a good start to knowing your life's purposes, as well as your desires for life. What gifts & personalities do you hold in your hand, whether it be, in business, working with children, in encouragement of others, to give finances to charity, to adopt children, writing, music or art. Are you sporty, energetic, quiet or funny? I recently saw a post about a lady who adopted 29 children; this is not something for most people, but this was obviously what she felt purposed to do - may be for her, she felt it was part of her life's purpose.
Lets face it because of how short life is, we can't necessarily run after every opportunity that comes our way, so how can we be sure we are not wasting our lives. As a Christian myself, I believe we are all created different for a very good reason. God wants to unlock our dreams we have for life and then align them with His. He also wants us to grow in character and learn about ourselves and others. Our diversity is amazing and I believe when we fully trust God with all that we are, He can bring about amazing opportunity to live out our life's purpose step by step.
Our life is more often full of small steps, not always huge leaps, so we don't always see what the path is ahead of us, but as we pray about our dreams God is often working behind the scenes enabling us to to reach them! If our dreams align to the heart of God, which is always a force for good, then there is no stopping what can be achieved in our lives; we will be released to do more, to live more, to give more than we ever dreamt possible!
We are never too old or too young to set new dreams - life is for living at whatever age. It's an exciting ride, life, let's enjoy it more and more!
Lv Caroline x
Quotes from the Bible:
For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph 2 v 10
Therefore I remind you that you stir up the gift of God that is in you. 2 Tim 1 v 6
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me. Psalm 138 v 8
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for
good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Rom 8 v 28
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90v12
Thinking on the World Wars, we all ponder, honour and remember to thank those that gave their lives for our freedom. What a great task to have to undertake, what a sacrifice they gave and what a great cost they paid!
The poignant picture of the red sea of poppies around the Tower of London in 2014 was very moving and have seen many others take on this creative idea in schools, churches or memorials - a sea of red poppies, a powerful picture of those who shed their own blood for us in order that we can now enjoy the good, free life we lead today. Most of us have family history connected to the world wars, it's something that will live in our hearts forever.
Poppies & the Christian Faith
The red poppy reminds Christians of the blood shed by those fallen in wars but also Jesus' blood as he died on the cross. God sent his son Jesus into our world in order that ordinary people could know Him on a personal basis. Christianity is not a set of rules to follow but a relationship with God, it's a journey of love and hope. God loves everyone despite how bad they may feel about themselves. Jesus said, "I ask you to love one another as I have loved you". Jesus also said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". The only way to know God is through Jesus himself. People often don't understand the meaning of Christian Communion, but there's nothing religious or complicated about it, simply the bread and the wine are just symbols of remembrance of what Jesus did on the cross and the love He holds for us.
John 3 v16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes on Him will not die, but have eternal life.
Christians remember and thank God for sending Jesus, who gave His life willingly for our spiritual freedom. Jesus' death gives us forgiveness, love and hope and the ultimate promise of heaven. We also remember and say thank you to those who fought for our country, for those who gave their lives willingly for our earthly freedom.
We will remember and we will not forget. xxx
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them. (Lawrence Binyon)
Christian Prayer: We pray for all the families who may have lost loved ones through war and pray you will comfort them today. We pray for peace around the world and that light will shine through the darkness. Help us to walk in goodness and light that the world will become a better place. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for my spiritual freedom and giving me your love. God I ask you will help me to know you more. Thank you. Amen.