Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to be unlimited. Unlimited in your gifts and talents, and in our potential and love. What a thought!
Other words to describe unlimited; are absolute, boundless, endless. immeasurable, immense, incalculable, indefinite, infinite, limitless, unconditional, unfettered, universal, unrestrained, unrestricted, untold and vast! I love reading all of these words, because in the confines of our humanity we can feel very limited and restricted, so these words speak to me of freedom and power.
The quest for power has been a desperate endeavour throughout the whole of history. Many leaders in our world have ravished our societies through war and pain for their own glorification. On the flip side, leaders we admire are those that were willing to lead us through darker seasons and change things for the better, such as Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Tereasa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela to name a few. May be at the time, they didn't realise how significant their fortitude and leadership would impact the world. What would you do if you were given leadership power? How would you use it; for yourself or for the betterment of others?
The bible describes God's power as omnipotent, meaning that God can do anything he wants as his power and authority is unlimited. God's power in also inherent and seen throughout the creation. If we believe God created everything, we only need to look at each other; how much we love; how we are so unique and look at how beautifully powerful the creation is, to realise how powerful God really is.
So if God is absolute, boundless, endless. immeasurable, immense, incalculable, indefinite, infinite, limitless, unconditional, unfettered, universal, unrestrained, unrestricted, untold and vast, and if God is the creator of the universe, then what power are we talking of here? Not only that, but the God who holds all this power actually wants to know us personally and have a relationship with us! Then surely as we pray and become more like God, we can also share in some of that potential.
We receive the power of God at the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This happened to Jesus, as when he came up from the water in the lake when he was baptised, the Holy Spirit came down like a dove and filled Jesus. From that moment Jesus was then empowered to do miracles, signs and wonders. Just as Jesus, the Holy Spirit equips us for works of service, giving us a greater power for our giftings and love. The power of the Holy Spirit, also known as the anointing, is a spiritual resource that's made available to fulfil our God given assignments and maximise our potential and giftings. This power is God putting his extra on our ordinary. Anyone can have a wonderful gift, but only God's power can remove burdens and chains from people's lives, so if we want to be fully empowered then we need the anointing on those gifts to make the difference. With the Holy Spirit you can really soar in your full potential!
If you were given leadership power but this time from God (the anointing), how would you use it? Would you use it for the betterment of others or for your own ego? The heart of God is always to restore people back to love. Are we willing to help people to see God's heart, are we going to help them recover from burdens and problems, are we going to lead them back to God? We may not have God's unlimited power, but we can share in his immeasurable power and partner with him in helping others. This is so exciting for any new Christian or for those more seasoned in their faith journey. We can all share in receiving God's power in our lives and soar! Romans 8, 11, says that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.....what a thought to ponder on!
Jer 10 v 12 - It is he who made the earth by this power, who established the world by this wisdom and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.
Jer 32, v 17 - Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.
Matthew 19 v 26 - Jesus says, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Isaiah 10 v 27 - And at the day shall his burden be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
(This defines the anointing as the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God. The anointing is what delivers God's people and sets captives free).